Early season hard boat to the Farne Islands

Early season hard boat to the Farne Islands (April 2016)

By Nic Faulks

For many this was the first dive of their season, so it was great that the day dawned nice and sunny with calm seas. We numbered about 18 people which is a great show for an early season dive, some were seasearchers, others from Poseidon and the rest from Tyneside 114.

Dive team

The first dive was the northern Hares which is a nice dive, for wildlife, little or no rust though. Down to the kelpy plateau at 16 metres, then find the north facing wall and head down to about 20 or more metres. The seabed is covered with cobbles but each one is home to hundreds of wee prawns and other little critters. Loads of dead man’s fingers too, on which a number of Tritonia Hombergi were feasting.

Tritonia Hombergi

The surface interval involved eating Nic’s home made cake and some hot tea/coffee and sitting in the sunshine hoping that this was the portent of a good season to come!


The second dive was another reef, Longstone End, great for wildlife, especially hydroids and anemones as it is quite tidal here.


The wildlife was as good as ever, with us finding an octopus during the dive. I am not sure how long it had left to live as it was very pale and slow moving, but fascinating never the less. It walked up my arm for a while, all the time I was aware that they have a sharp beak and can bite!! Nice dive though, with the hydroids putting on a really good show too.


Back on the boat, everyone seemed happy and relaxed as we headed back to port. Much talk of future trips and interesting destinations to dive. We then off loaded from the boat and went for coffee, beer, food to continue the chatter….

Paul and Richard

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